
Short Stories Tall Tales: The Big Top

About this event

Interactive storytelling for babies, toddlers and their parents or carers.

Actress and mum Hannah Summers brings classic and modern stories to life through live performance and interactive, creative play.
Adventure into stories, explore through the senses and let your little ones’ imaginations run free. 

There’s a different story every month! Suitable for ages 0-4 years.

The Big Top:

Come and meet Bertie, the little boy with a big imagination. On one stormy, rainy day Bertie is bored at home and from his very own bedroom he takes us all to an imaginative, colourful, circus show where anything is possible.

Please note, all infants over one month old require a ticket as this show is specifically aimed at babies and pre-schoolers.


  • Date
    Fri, August 16, 2024
  • Start time 11:30 AM
  • Price £6.00 - £12.00
  • Duration 45 Minutes
  • Event format TBA

Event Expired

Ropetackle Arts Centre

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