
Shoreham Wordfest: Caitlin

About this event

A one woman play performed by Christine Kempell and written by Mike Kenny.

Before the poet Dylan Thomas died at the tender age of 39, he and his wife Caitlin boozed, binged and brawled their way through the bars of Britain in the 1930s and 40s.

Their marriage was stormy, passionate and explosive, and Caitlin tells their story, in her own brutally honest words, in this one-woman show written by Mike Kenny, directed by Steve Elias and performed by Christine Kempell.

Caitlin and Dylan were great lovers, artists and bohemians mixing with other artists and writers of their day, spending all their time in pubs, living on tick, doing scandalous things and being forgiven.

Although Dylan had his tragic genius as an excuse for his behaviour, Caitlin feels that history judges her more harshly as a mother, married to the ‘Voice of God’ and having to put her own unfulfilled ambitions as a dancer on hold.

Caitlin tells their story from her perspective and reveals some shocking insights into their mutually destructive relationship.

Christine says: “Behind the successful poet is this powerhouse of a woman who sacrificed everything for the man she loved. He could not have achieved what he did without her.

“Caitlin is raw, truthful and unapologetic about the life she lived and the choices she made. This is a monologue to the forgotten women everywhere whose stories deserve to be told.”

The play runs for 1 hour and Christine will run a Q&A session afterwards. Not suitable for young children.

“Stunning show. The acting, the imagery, the direction, the storytelling: everything about this show is wonderfully refreshing to see.” ~ Audience review from Edinburgh Festival Fringe

  • Date
    Wed, October 4, 2023
  • Start time 7:30 PM
  • Price £10.00 - £12.00
  • Duration TBA
  • Event format TBA

Event Expired

Ropetackle Arts Centre

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